Coppa club near tower bridge |
Hello it's been a while... and it's time for my monthly update. (2 months actually.) After this post I will write another one just for Christmas oh yes here we go.
Anyone lives in London fancying ramen? shoryu is the place to go, it's not the best ramen I've ever had in my life, but it's definitely a really good one in London. I've been there 3 times I think, and I love it. It's got some decent bamboo shoots and braised pork. The soup is really thick, and flavoursome. I recommend the pork bun, because it's reminds me home and tasted really nice.
I also went to The Ivy for anniversary with Mr. Ou. we had brunch there and it was really good and not too pricey, the service there was spot-on. Don't forget to reserve a table if you plan to go there.
After a brunch at The Ivy we went to see a movie and ate some fish and chips!
A couple days after a friend of mine came from Paris and last time I saw him was 3 years ago, so we had a nice day at a Chinese restaurant called four season. It was quite pricy but the food was pretty good.
I always want to watch the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child but I heard you need to book the tickets 16 months before hand, and that is just crazy, so I think I will wait a little bit and maybe book the tickets...
The next picture is a healthy dinner I made- salmon, eggs, avocado and salad, I was pretty happy about it. The last picture is a Thai restaurant I went (can't remember the name), it was really good, I can never have enough green curry.
之後是我們的週年所以我們去吃了一家The Ivy吃了個早午餐,服務很好也不會到超級貴,記得要提前訂位。吃完早午餐我們去看了電影,看完再吃個炸魚薯條(過個節日一推藉口到底要吃多少哈哈)
#1 is one of the dinner I had with a friend, spicy hot pot is a thing I've been craving for so long, and I love it! #2 is a new-ish restaurant I found near where I live, and it's got some decent Japanese food. #3 is a new book I got, though I haven't finished it, I really like it. #5 is a gift from mum - a Dyson vacuum, hoop hoop, oh my god it is such a good vacuum. It can pick up the smallest, finest dusts - easy to use, easy to clean, just lovely. #6, 7, 8, 9 were from bonfire night, it was freezing.
前陣子跟朋友吃了麻辣鍋,實在好爽啊~~~雖然肉質不是很好,但是對留學生是很好的慰藉,第二張照片是我搬家後附近看到的一間日本料理,以倫敦的標準來說超好吃,當然跟日本或是台灣不能比,但是人在他鄉每次經過還是會想吃! 最後幾張照片是bonfire night的煙火,剛好幸運的拿到的幾張票,就出們去看煙火了,不知道為什麼那天那麼冷,大家看完煙火馬上衝刺回家。
I've never lived in a proper wintery country before, and it's getting colder and I am excited about it. #1 was one of the night I had spicy hot pot with a friend at China town, it wasn't very good but I think it's alright. It seems like ever since I moved here none of any Asian restaurant I went was amazing, but it's a good choice if you are missing some homey flavour.
#2 was one of my friends bringing some Taiwanese food for me oh yes so lucky. #3 was one of the Thai restaurant I went and I really like the fish and soft shell crabs. Let me know if you have any recommendation of some Asian restaurant in London. #4,5,6 was the new lego store in London, I went there a couple times because it was amazing, I am a big lego fan and I love it there, it was always crammed with people but the service in the shop was always lovely.
And I went to watch the fantastic beasts and where to find them, I loved it! I am really glad that it was executed so well even when it's not happening in England. The last 2 pictures weren't very important I think it was me trying out some new restaurants near my new flat.
okay, finally the last one, it was winter wonderland ! It was so crowded and full of people, very expensive and you need to use cash most of the time, but I loved it 👍🏻 I like the Christmas Market and the rides and stuff, it was also really crowded but all fun. #5 picture was me making some braised eggs and chicken wings, yum 😋 #7 was me and Mr. Ou decided we were gonna have some early roasted chicken for dinner and it was really good and really juicy. #8 was a cafe I went to with a friend, and oh my god the hot chocolate was blimey! so good. it was basically drinking melted chocolate. The last picture was me doing some theraputic colouring one night before bed.
That is the end of this 2 months long photo updates, and the next post is gonna be about Christmas ~~ I will see you guys soon xx
Giselle x
終於來到最後一張照片實在是寫得好累啊(明明是自己好吃懶做還敢說累)前五張照片是在海德公園的winter wonderland, 裡面有吃有玩,遊樂設施都很貴,食物也很貴,很多都要用現金,人也非常的多,但是我覺得很直得,因為聖誕節就是好玩嘛,盡量找一個不是假日的時間去會好一點,晚上的時候照片拍起來很美,去之前最好先查一下交通路線,有時候海德公園那站會很塞,可能要在前一站或別站先下車用走的,要是你有用推特的話,可以訊息地鐵的帳號問他們一下交通他們很快就會tweet回來啦 很方便
第六張照片是我前陣子做滷雞翅跟魯蛋,因為太想吃了!第七張是我心血來潮準備烤雞當晚餐。之後是我跟朋友去soho喝咖啡去了一家熱可可很有名超濃郁到只能喝小杯的咖啡店,要是你很愛超濃熱可可我推薦你去這家! 最後一張照片是我睡前的簡單舒壓著色時光。
Giselle x