Here comes the Christmas! huurrayyyyy! At this time of every year, is the time we getting fat, burn our money, kissing someone or brokenhearted (Also, freaked out by all those cliche Christmas songs EVERYWHERE!). However, we never ever snow in Taiwan. (of course, if we did snow, i would really worry about out earth.). But somehow I still think a Christmas is needed fires and gifts. (what a creepy combination.)
3 recipes here for everyone to try on there blessing day.
唉唷聖誕節緊接著來了(也沒有很緊啦),每年的這個時候,都是癡肥的聚餐,燒錢的買禮物,跟某人約會,或是被某人甩 (屢試不爽的失戀情節總在聖誕節上演) (還有到處都是金勾杯兒金勾杯兒的歌聽到會生氣的程度)。不過台灣從來沒下雪啊 (如果下雪我們的地球就完蛋了) 不過,我還是不知為何覺得聖誕決就是應該要有火跟禮物啊! (怎麼聽起來有點恐怖)
Roast Chicken
This recipe is that once I saw the TV show "How to Cook Like Heston". He taught in the episode of chicken, how to make the chicken juicy and tasty, it takes time surely, but when the chicken came from the oven, GOD, so amazingly sexy.In the recipe, the point is to keep the moisture inside the chicken, so he put the chicken inside a brine (300 g salt dissolved in 5 litres water) for at least couple hours, and use really low temperature to roast it, after the chicken was well cooked, he use high temperature to make the skin crispy and golden.
The recipe is quite long, so I will share the link down here.
Perfect roast chicken click it.
請點 完美G。
My home-made fudge recipe (super easy!)
Next one is fudge!! There are some people might have the question of what is the difference between fudge and toffee. Well, let's say, the easiest way to separate them is that caramel is only sugar, toffee is made with sugar and butter and fudge is with sugar, milk and butter, that simple.Ingredients (for about 12 pieces)
- Whipping cream (50g) (or you call them heavy cream)
- Whole milk (100g)
- fine sugar (35g) (or icing sugar)
- honey (5g)
- caramel sauce (5g) (can be replaced by fine sugar)
- line a tin with baking paper.
- Put your ingredients one after one into your pot.
- Heat up slowly and allow to bubble.
- Turn the heat down, gently cooking it and keep stirring.
- Take a spoon and drop a tiny bit into cold water, curdle means done. (above will need about 20 minutes)
- Pour them into your lined tray, make them completely cool, in the fridge is best.
- Remove from the tray and cut into bite-sized pieces.
- Wrap neatly in any packaging that takes your fancy and label it for a friend or family.
家常牛奶糖食譜 (簡單到不行)
下一個食譜是牛奶糖,有些人可會有疑問說牛奶糖跟太妃糖差在哪裡? 咳咳,讓我智囊女孩替您解惑,焦糖就是糖,太妃糖是糖加奶油,牛奶糖是糖加奶油加牛奶。是不是容易分辨它們了,我個人覺得太妃糖做法雖然跟牛奶糖差不多簡單但是他的材料比較不好找,但是牛奶糖用冰箱剩的牛奶跟鮮奶油就可以完成了唷。材料 (約12顆)
- 動物性鮮奶油 (50g)
- 全脂鮮奶 (100g)
- 細砂糖 (35g)
- 蜂蜜 (5g) (提味用)
- 焦糖醬 (5g) (可以用細砂糖代替唷)
- 材料秤量完,防沾烤紙鋪進模型(烤盤)內。
- 依序把材料倒入盆中,用中小火煮至沸騰。
- 煮沸後把火轉小,繼續攪拌。
- 用湯匙取一點,滴入一杯冷水中,凝固即完成。(以上共約20分鐘)
- 倒入模型(烤盤)內,放入冰箱凝固。
- 切成喜歡的一口大小,可以用防沾烤紙包裝當成禮物。
Nutella and Salted Caramel Stuffed Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
This recipe is from SORTED food, I love them, they have thousands of recipe and so much fun (and banter) within at the meanwhile. I like chocolate cookies, so awesome andIngredients
- butter (110g)
- light brown sugar (350g)
- cocoa powder (55g)
- 2 eggs
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 3/4 tsp baking powder
- plain flour (260g)
- milk or dark chocolate chips (100g)
- sea salt, for sprinkling
- 8 tbsp nutella
- 16 caramel-filled chocolates
- line a baking tray with parchment paper.
- preheat your oven to 180 degrees C.
- melt the butter in a medium heated pan.
- take off the heat and stir in the brown sugar and eggs.
- add the cocoa, salt and baking powder and stir until well combined.
- add the flour and stir until no floury patches are left.
- stir in the chocolate chips.
- take 1 heaped tbsp of dough, use your finger make a large indentation the centre of the dough; fill the indentation with a small blob of nutella (like 1/2 tsp ish), and top it up with the caramel-filled chocolate.
- top with a flattened tablespoon of dough, and seal the edges.
- sprinkle with sea salt and bake for 8-10 minutes
click here to see the video by SORTED.
這個食譜是我在SORTED food這個網站上找到的,我還蠻常看他們的頻道,因為他們的食譜不僅簡單,又還蠻好笑的,大家也可以參考看看唷,我個人很喜歡巧克力餅乾,但是我很討厭吃乾的東西 (什麼啊) (我是湯狂),但是這個食譜的餅乾不會很乾唷 (繞口令) ,他裡面有包焦糖醬巧可力,超好吃,材料
- 奶油 (110g)
- 細紅糖 (350g)
- 可可粉 (55g)
- 兩顆蛋
- 鹽巴 1/4 茶匙
- 泡打粉 3/4 茶匙
- 中筋麵粉 (260g)
- 牛奶或是黑巧可力豆 (100g)
- 海鹽少許,撒在頂部用
- Nutella 巧克力醬 8 茶匙 (不是nutella也莫急莫慌) (沒有8茶匙也莫緊張 適量即可)
- 內有包焦糖醬的巧克力16 顆 (多買可以邊烤邊吃)
- 鋪張烘焙紙在你的烤盤裡。
- 用攝氏180度預熱烤箱。
- 開中火融化奶油。
- 鍋子離火,一邊攪拌一邊加入紅糖跟蛋。
- 加入可可粉,鹽巴跟泡打粉,攪拌到均勻。
- 加入麵粉繼續攪拌至麵粉沒有結塊。
- 拌入巧克力豆。(買不到巧可力豆可以用榛果杏仁這類的代替,跟我一樣恨堅果類的可以不加)
- 挖一匙(大概用手比個OK那麼大的立體大小)放在你的烤盤上,壓扁扁(也不用很扁)的,挖一大約1/2匙的巧克力醬在上面,在放上有包焦糖的巧克力。
- 用大約一茶匙捏成圓形大小的巧克力糊覆蓋在上面,把邊緣封起來。
- 灑一些海鹽在上面,進烤箱烤八到十分鐘。