▌Fashion Update ▌Louis Vuitton。The art of packing.
17:25click here to watch the video
There are some cute stuff on the Louis Vuitton Web recently. short animations of how to pack for your travel.
In the video, they give you some tips of how to properly pack your bag. Start from your heaviest items - shoes, then small items and delicate clothing (roll them up can save more space in your suitcase), and the last thing will be the most delicate items, like your sunglasses.
最近LV的網站上出現了討人喜歡的小東西,鏘鏘~(敲鑼) 就是出現了教你怎麼打包行李的藝術,請點這裡
I like this "Alzer" suitcase (who doesn't like it though), I like the square corner and the vintage design. Also, I am quite surprised by the capacity of this suitcase, it's big enough too put so many things.
話說,我蠻喜歡這個Alzer行李箱的 (廢話誰不愛),我覺得方形的行李箱非常地吸引人,而且從影片裏面看起來,他可以裝超多的阿,容量感覺很大。
Want to bring four shoes in one trip? No problem, the point is let your shoes stay in the bottom and corner of your bag, and you are good to go. (me, myself, never bring many shoes when I am on vacation, at most one shoes in my bag, because I don't want to carry them all the time)
Perspective photos let you know how did they work inside your bag.
After all, the tips are, always put your heavy stuff in the bottom, use your bag corner wisely and keep your delicate items on the top of your bag, also separate your belongings in different pouches.
Extra, they also teach you how to fold your cloths, take a look on the website and having fun.
▲Try it yourself :
1. open the Louis Vuitton official website (click the link).
2. choose your location.
3. Move your mouse to "collection" and click "women/men".
4. Click travel.
5. Find the link of "the art of packing" at the lower right corner.
6. Begin to experience.
1. 打開 Louis Vuitton官方網站 (跟我一起官方網站唸十遍) (點進去)。
2. 選擇 你的地點 (台灣地區)。
3. 移動 你的滑鼠到"產品目錄",選擇"女士" 。
4. 點進 旅遊用品 。
5. 看看 右下角有"收拾行裝的藝術" 點下去就是了。
6. 開始 一連串的亂點自己體驗之。
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