▌Travel in the US ▌一個人前往紐約 Off to New York City
17:19中央公園 Central Park |
I finished my work in Yellowstone National Park, it was absolute great time. 2 of my roommates left earlier, and there were one last roommate helping all the work, luckily, it's getting less busy in September.
I needed to head to the airport at around 5 am, I was packing all night, couldn't fall asleep at all.
My flight was from Cody-Denver-Chicago-Albany.
My grand uncle lives in Albany, so I was visiting them for couple days, then dead to New York City, get bunked with some friends who lives in the upper east area.
Normally they would give you 40 minutes or so for your transfer, but when I arrived Denver, I only got 10 minutes some how, meh~~
I was sooooo excited to visit my grand uncle, because I really miss the food in Taiwan (Even now I live in London, still miss the food in Taiwan so badly)
結束在黃石的工作了,那三個月想起來有好的回憶,也有一些不好的回憶,想想都是現在的我,覺得很感激啊。 已經有兩個室友結束工作了,我離開後只有一位會在那裏工作,不過九月的工作少很多,除了很冷以外,其實滿悠哉的~~~
離開黃石的當天,我凌晨五點天還很嘿,就要出發了,整晚沒睡,根本睡不著。從柯迪-丹佛-芝加哥-艾本尼 (不知道是不是這樣翻哈哈)
我的舅公(媽媽的舅舅)住在紐約的郊區,在進入曼哈頓之前,先去他們家拜訪幾天,順便也是可以吃一大頓台灣的料理,太常吃泡麵了 哈哈 (即使現在住在倫敦我也是很常吃泡麵,哀桑)
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吃了三個月的熱狗,吃到菜餔蛋真的想哭,還有配粥那個鹹鹹的東西,它叫什麼啊!!! Taiwanese food my grand aunt made me |
餛飩湯跟紅燒肋排 我又想哭了!!! Won-ton soup and braised ribs |
紅燒鮭魚!!!!!! 天啊~~~~ braised salmon is the best thing ever. |
The next day, I took Mega bus to New York City, it was roughly 3 hours, it was really cheap so for whoever plans to travel to New York City, I recommend Mega bus to you, only around 15 dollars if you book in advance. Click Here or the word in my article to check it out.
More stories about what I have done in New York City will come soon, stay tuned xx
Thanks for your reading x
我去了一些博物館,紀念館跟圖書館(怎麼都是館啊),還有紐約州立大學晃晃,但是我大部分的時間都在吃,狂吃,吃一個超飽,實在太好吃了,我跟我妹很常會討論姨媽做的食物 (我妹隔年也去美國打工了,她竟然還吃過姨媽做的包子! 羨慕 )
隔天我搭乘Megabus 前往曼哈頓,大概三個小時的車程,我覺得便宜又划算,如果打算從外縣市搭車前往的人,Mega bus是很好的選擇,提前訂票很便宜,車上小睡一下就到了。
感謝你們的閱讀~~ xx
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