▌Fashion Exhibition ▌Mademoiselle privé (I)
16:18The room with mirrors |
This week is the last week of the Chanel exhibition - Mademoiselle privé at Saatchi Gallery. It's near Sloane Square on District and Circle line. Click here ← to their official website for more info.
The first time I walked past Saatchi Gallery to see if I can go to the exhibition, it was absolutely crazy. There were literally 300 people queuing up outside the gallery, and there were some more when you stepped in the door. So I chose to see the Louis Vuitton Series 3, and decided to go to Saatchi Gallery on a weekday.
If you are interested, here's my article about Louis Vuitton series 3 exhibition is here (← Click )
Anyway, I went to Saatchi again on a Monday afternoon, still a long queue, less than last time, I was queuing over an hour I believe.
The first room is the room full of mirrors, I walked in, and heared Coco Chanel saying : Bonjour! I am Coco Chanel. The staffs said if you have the APP Mademoiselle privé, you can see the room on the app while holding your phone, and during the whole way through the exhibition, the APP has new things to tell you everywhere in the exhibition. It was very interesting, and the good thing about it that you don't need to squeeze yourself trying to see the word all the time, the app helps you have a better journey while enjoying the exhibition.
the view from the app. 用APP看到室內的景象 |
View from the app 用APP看到室內的景象 |
Second Floor is her studio. 二樓的工作室 |
Aim your phone with the app to see more things. 手機軟體對準這個圖片他會告訴你更多資訊 |
There are so many things going on in this exhibition, they focus on Coco Chanel, about her life, about what she had done, and her charisma.
Here are some pictures I took, I separated them into two articles so there will be some more in the next article.
Enjoy the pictures and thank you for your reading~ See you guys soon x
The room of perfume. 充滿香水的房間 |
The room of perfume. looks like a clam. 香水房很可愛 |
The garden room |
The big fabric camellia by Karl Lagerfeld 卡爾拉格斐的鮮豔山茶花 |
這個禮拜是香奈兒在倫敦的展覽 Mademoiselle Privé 在Saatchi Gallery的最後一週,位置在Tube的Sloane Square 站上,District和Circle線 (黃色跟綠色線),Sloane Square這個地方是少數我很愛的景點,不只是因為它在接近很市中心的地方,而是這是個觀光客比較少的天堂啊~~~ (歡呼~),下次寫一篇小日常會順便提到~
如果你對這個展覽有興趣可以點這裡 ( ← 點之 ) 帶你飛去展覽的官方網站。
第一次Saatchi Gallery的時候,本來想看這個展覽,但是不誇張,大排長龍之~ 少說有三百人從門口一路排到遠處的公車站牌,而且門口進去還有很多隊伍在排。 我馬上死心改跑去看Louis Vuitton的展覽,但是那邊人也很多就是了,因為這兩個展覽都是免費的,記得找個平日去啊。
如果你錯過了這個展覽,可以點我的文章小看一下~ Louis Vuitton series 3 exhibition 文章在這裡(← 點 )
Anyway, 我找了一個星期一過去,人也是滿多,排隊排了大概一個小時。進去展覽之後可以下載一個展覽同名APP: Mademoiselle privé ,這個APP是展覽的大重點。 第一個房間有很多鏡子,使用這個APP可以觀看這個房間的樣子,一邊聽香奈兒女士的自我介紹,說起來有點難體會,一下載就知道了!
其中一個我很喜歡的房間是一個香水房,轟隆轟隆的聲音聽起來很像一個大型的鍋爐,伴隨著一點咕嚕咕嚕的聲音 ,還在感受這個房間的香氣的時候 ,原本闔起來的金屬蓋釋放出一點蒸汽的嘶嘶聲 ,然後漸漸打開 ,整個房間突然明亮了起來 ,充斥著這兩支香水的味道。
Where is Saatchi Gallery ? ↓
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