Photo Update August, September and October ▌La vie ▌
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over the thames |
WARNING: This is a very long post, be prepared!
I have to make three months into one post, though I am so lazy and kinda want to skip the photo update, but I think I will really regret it when I am older and forgot what I did. So here I am, with my photo update.
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Things I bought to bring to the UK |
I bought some bath bombs, I think one is honey, two of them are flower based. I haven't used them yet because I don't have a tub yet, but that's about to change because I am moving soon!!! I also bought some eye masks that will give you a steamy, warm kind of feeling when you use it. It's amazing, it has a nice smell and it can sooth your eyes.
There're some eye patches that can moisturise your under eye area; some eye drop that I heard it's great but I haven't used it yet; loads of masks for moisturising, some feet masks too. I also bought another bottle of Banila co's clean it zero makeup remover, I really like it and this is my second bottle.
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離開前跟好友們一起做了荷蘭鬆餅跟crepe,超好吃的,我們還去抓寶貝抓到晚上十點! 然後我吃了我最後一頓派克雞排,媽呀要瘋了好想吃雞排跟豬血糕還有百頁豆腐~~嗚嗚嗚嗚 我哭~
After I arrived in London, I ate my all time favourite cheeky nando's, god I love it. I went to a ramen restaurant called Shoryu, I think it's alright, not bad. Sometimes I really want some got soup and shoryu will be my remedy. I also had the steak and udon in wagamama, it's also not bad.
There's a Korean restaurant called Kimchee literally at the opposite side of my school. their rice cake is good and I love it!!
The last two pictures were the rustic, simple food I made when I sometimes cook at home, something simple. quick and taste nice.
一到倫敦馬上去吃nando's 烤雞,還有看到滿多人推薦的昇龍拉麵,還有在學校附近的kim chee,如果你愛吃年糕的話一定要去試試看! 我覺得 KimChee的米沒有wasabi好吃,因為我很在乎米有沒有粒粒分明又彈牙,我覺得kimchee的米不夠好吃。
I tried to make some semi-dried tomatoes with my oven, I wasn't sure if that's the flavour I like though... haha. Then I enrolled in UAL, officially a grad student! The #4,5 was be hanging out with a friend from Taiwan, that day was so great! The last pictures were me going to pie minister for lunch, I really like traditional British pies, and pie minister is on of my favourite place to go to. Let me know if you have other places considered as a great place for pies!
然後跟大學朋友Andie在倫敦吃吃走走,好爽! 最後三張是我某天中午跟歐先生一起吃午餐,我最愛的派店,我還滿愛鹹的派的,如果有什麼好吃的派店快跟我說! 我想試試!!!
The first 4 pictures were in Briton, I think we went there a little bit late, so we didn't see much in Briton. But Briton is always nice~ The other five pictures were me going to sky garden, it's really pretty there, but don't forget to book for an appointment - It's free - but you have to book it in advance. The view from sky garden is really really nice, though the sky was a little bit grim, but it's London, it's always grim. The food there was a little bit pricey, I am sure you guys can imagine that anyway. There is also a restaurant in Sky Garden. Overall, it's free to go up there, so if you are in London, you should take a look!
我跟大學好友一起約了在Briton逛逛,我們那天去的時候有點晚了,有些店都沒開,不過只要有朋友在,去哪裡都不重要 <3
後面五張照片是在Sky Garden,雖然倫敦的天空總是灰灰的,上面的風景還是很不錯,居高處看河岸的風景,很享受。記得去之前要上網預約,上電梯前也要安全檢查喔。
Hoo, finally the last 9 pictures~ The first 2 pictures were from a restaurant shuang shuang, it's in China Town, it's like a hot pot restaurant mixed with a bit of sushi train. I think the soup there was alright, the food was okay. But I am not sure if I will go there again.
Then little Peter was born!!! It's my Mr. Ou's sister's first son, he is so adorable, we brought some gifts to them. Everyone was excited! Can't wait to see him again on Christmas.
A couple of days after I went to Bounce and had a great time playing ping pong.
I think that is everything about this update. That was a LOT and I hope it's not too long or boring to read. Alright guys, I will see you guys soon.
Until next time x
Giselle xx
終於到了最後九張,寫得好累~ 前兩張是在中國城的一家火鍋店叫做爽爽,有點像是旋轉壽司加上火鍋的感覺,所有的料都在轉來轉去的,你可以自己拿。口味來說我覺得沒有特別出色,選轉的部分我覺得好像也沒有特別必要,不難吃,但是我可能不會再去。
之後我去了一間可以打乒乓球的酒吧 Bounce,我覺得很讚,可以一邊聊天一邊打球,如果下午去的話不會太吵,那裏的食物非常好吃,是很好的消遣。
感謝你們的閱讀 我們下次見~~~
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