Why you don't need to "be yourself"
01:50Early 2017 at Green park |
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”- Oscar Wilde. You must come across some variety of this “be yourself” tagline in articles and on social media every once in a while. The advice contained in these articles is deemed to be enlightening and remind us how unique and amazing each individual is or how we should disregard other people’s opinions and do whatever we wish —Because everything will be fine if you just “be yourself”.
There is nothing wrong with being yourself.
But what if someone doesn’t like themselves? What if someone is unhappy with their status quo? Or what if someone does not like how they look?
Are their thoughts and feelings not as valid as those blissfully happy with their situation? Should they feel ashamed because they would be labelled as people who don’t “love themselves”?
Often, people who dispense the advice encouraging people to “embracing themselves” are often people who have very little to concerns about their own lives. They are a barometer of success, they’re confident, good looking, perhaps wealthy people. It is very hard to imagine these successful people reach where they are by simply “being themselves”. If this “perfect and successful” person was to walk up to you, and reassure you your life was on the right track, to just be brave and “be yourself”, you’d no doubt appreciate this almost refreshing and reassuring advice. Clearly being yourself will lead to you becoming this person you have admiration for!
However now imagine, a person who does not meet the traditional standards of success deemed by society tells you to ‘be yourself’. You would no doubt feel somewhat uncomfortable about the advice, being yourself must now be a road to ruin. Essentially, the advice is consistent, but the reaction becomes wildly different.
Our subconscious reflects the person giving the advice onto the word ‘yourself’, essentially flipping the meaning from advice to ‘be yourself’ to advice to help you ‘be like me’.
The overwhelming trumpeting on the internet about “embracing yourself” has become yet another instance of aspiring to be like others, stopping people from actually focusing their efforts on achieving something new. Merely listening to successful people talking about how they are being themselves ignores that successful people may honestly be naturally driven, hungry and talented as ‘themselves’, but I hate to break the news: you may not be.
For a totally honest version of somebody being themselves, look no further than me. My first honest action as ‘myself’ would be to yell at my boyfriend for the third time in a week to do the laundry. Secondly, I’ll wear that one big hoodie I own with no bra and no trousers to do my grocery shopping. Finally, I’ll tell my parents I actually won’t attend their planned family reunion to pretend I care about some distant relatives I haven’t seen since I could walk.
Does it feel good? Certainly. Does it get me any closer to the aspirational lives of the wealthy and beautiful people who share the sentiment online? Absolutely not.Because this world doesn’t revolve around you and acting purely in self-interest, or the interest of always ‘being yourself’ without a plan to achieve, achieves nothing. Every day there are things you will not be happy about, but simply ignoring them in a quest to always speak truth to yourself stops you from ever taking action to change any of them.
Everything in life requires balance. We are at liberty to be ourselves as much as we wish, but JUST being ourselves simply will not get us very far.
As one example, the topic of physiques: What if someone doesn't like their appearance? Are they not allowed to feel insecure about it? Is being themselves staying exactly the way they are, or is being themselves listening to their displeasure and changing their life? Simply saying ‘Just be happy with yourself’ denies people the very human right to feel sad, to feel negative, and to feel anxious about themselves.
Instead of just being yourself and settling for the present, a healthier lifestyle is to not treat negative thoughts as something wrong that needs to be fixed. Instead, treat the thoughts and feelings as a fuel to improve yourself and become closer to the person you want to be. When people take ownership of their actions, they become more genuinely authentic as a person and never stop learning.
The notion to “just be yourself” encourages complacency, where we are told stop making changes and taking risks, or told to attempt a change is a betrayal of your ‘true self’, but is that really the best way to think?
Next time you see an article suggesting “just be yourself”, maybe keep in mind that you don’t need to ‘be yourself’ if you don’t want to… What’s the harm in wanting to be Emma Watson, after all?
See you guys later xx
網路上時常充斥著一堆所謂建設性文章,告訴這個世界上所有迷惘的青年少女:做 自 己。
舉例來說,如果有一位形象“成功且完美”的人跟你說:別擔心,你只需要真實的做你自己,這樣一切問題都會迎刃而解。過度的小心翼翼這樣人生會很辛苦的...(以下省略)。 你可能會想說喔好吧也是。但是如果今天有一位形象與社會所刻板要求的形象相差甚遠,所謂的魯蛇告訴你:做你自己就好啦。你的反應可能會相差很多,或許有些人還會想說:做什麼自己,照鏡子看看你的處境,笑死人了。但其實,這兩個人說的建議,是一模一樣的。
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