▌La vie ▌2016 Election in Taiwan
15:09![]() |
Victoria Station |
Hiya lovely people.
I haven't written anything on my blog since I am back to Taiwan at the end of November. I don't really have any excuse of it really, but honestly I simply don't know what to write.
I wanted to write things "meaningful", trying to make every post of mine less shallow. However, this makes me stressful and not writing. So, in stead of thinking too much about what I should do, I will actually just write more. No to get attention on the internet, but simply to leave a track while living my life so I can see what I have done when I am 75 or something.
Yesterday, Taiwan has its first female president. I am happy.
There were A LOT happening in Taiwan these couple days. Like the 16 year-old Taiwanese girl apologised because she waved our flag and stuff. It was outrageous on the internet, everyone was literally mad about it. so was I. I believe that people have seen enough news and opinion about it.
What I want to say is, I am not the sort of person who changes Facebook picture claiming I am proud of being Taiwanese. I am not the sort of person who attacks other people when they have different thoughts than mine.
And wait just there before you throw a stone at me or say I am a traitor. The reason that I don't do such things is because I don't need to justify that I am Taiwanese. I bloody am. I AM Taiwanese. I don't need to say I am proud because, of course, I AM proud.
I feel equally connected with the word Taiwan and R.O.C. This two things are the same thing for me. There are people saying R.O.C. is a scheme or it is under China's ruling, I don't agree. I don't agree with people saying R.O.C is P.R.O.C. We are Taiwanese because Chinese people are something totally different than people who live in Taiwan. We are still in the history of having a civil war technically. You can call us R.O.C, you can call us Taiwan. We call ourselves Taiwan and Taiwanese a lot more because it's what we are after separating decades, almost 100 years, with the mainland. It's like the Roman empire is now Italy. It's like you call English people British, but you call Scottish people Scottish for clarity.
My grandfather came to Taiwan because of the WW2, and my mother is never Chinese, she is Taiwanese, so am I. And that doesn't mean I don't recognise R.O.C. To me, they stand for the same, independent country. If we are voting to stick the name Taiwan as the only name of the country or changing the flag or changing the constitution, I will be like 'oh fuck yeah, why not.' It's just like New Zealand is changing their flag.
There is no one country using different passports, waving different flags, having different leaders. (And by the way, we VOTE for a leader.) Taiwan is the only Chinese speaking democracy.
Taiwan deserves it recognition.
No matter who you vote for, no matter which party you vote for, no matter what you think, everyone in Taiwan knows we are independent for 100% sure.
I respect every opinion expressed. And that I can say I am proud of being a part of democracy.
Thanks for your reading x.
Giselle x
昨天,台灣有了第一位女總統。 我很高興。
其實我想說的是,我不是那種會在臉書上換封面照片說自己是台灣人的那種個性。(另一方面,我覺得那句話的英文有個小小的文法錯誤。) 我也不是會跟朋友,或是家人爭論想法的那種個性。
我的意思是: 老娘比誰都清楚自己是台灣人,我不需要證明我是,因為我他媽的就是。
對我來說,台灣跟中華民國是一樣的。我知道有些人覺得中華民國根本不存在,我認為是存在的,如果不存在,那麼也代表否定了過去幾十年的時光。 而我認為過去幾十年的時光正式我們與中國不同且令人留戀令人深愛的地方。在這個基準點上我認為:台灣就是台灣,中華民國也是台灣。我不認為中華民國跟中國是一樣的,就是因為我們不一樣,所以我們才是台灣。 就像以前的羅馬帝國是現在的義大利;隨著歷史的發展,隨著將近100年的分開,我們就是台灣。
如果明天有個公投,大家來換國旗,來換名字,來修憲法,說我們要去掉所有跟中國有關的字眼;好哇,來啊。 如果我們可以的話。但是不管怎麼樣,中華民國不是中國。
台灣的自由,台灣的熱情,台灣的選舉,我們有的,中國沒有。這麼淺顯易懂的分別,有什麼好爭吵,互相攻擊的呢? 如果你真的覺得為身為一個台灣人驕傲,請拿出民主的素質,尊重他人的想法。我真的受夠太多在社群網站上面,為了罵而罵,為了刺激腦內啡而罵。
台灣值得被認同 (抱歉,我想不到一個更好的句子形容這句話)
P.S. 我很不喜歡台灣的許多媒體會用網民的回應或是想法稱之為民意,進而寫成新聞。至少我很少在BBC上面看到這種事情。越看越覺得怎麼可以品質低劣到這個程度。
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