▌Beauty Update ▌Et tu sais Jelly Mousse
02:14![]() |
Jelly mousse |
Hiya lovely people, it's been a while since last time I posted anything and I am feeling terribly sorry about it. *sigh*
I have been doing a lot of stuff. I am writing as a regular guest editor and I am working as a consultant as well. Plus I also need to work on some papers and stuff. I hope I can get through all this asap. Today I am going to share a product I quite enjoy with you guys..
I don't know how popular Asian beauty products are in the west, but I can tell you that if you haven't seen this one, you are going to regret it your whole life~~
This facial cleanser is from et tu sais (click for the official website). I know it's French but it's a Japanese brand. Frankly, a lot of Japanese brands use French words as their brand names and I don't know why.
The reason that I really want to bring this cleanser up in my blog is because this isn't your regular cleanser. I have used a lot of mousse cleansers in my life, simply because it's just easier to use. They are foamy, puffy, quick and easy to use, not like normal facial cleansers that you have to add some water and make the bubbles yourself.
There are two kinds of mousses from et tu sais, the one I've got is for cleansing pores and tightening them up, while the other one focuses more on its moisturising formula.
So it's called 'jelly mousse' and you wonder how do jelly and mousse come together. When it first comes out from the can, it's transparent and has a jelly texture and when you touch the jelly with your finger it becomes foamy and moussey.
It's like whipped cream.
Yes, whipped cream, not bubbles or just foam, it's a whipped cream texture, like proper mousse.
You only need a bean-sized amount of it to create a hand-full of mousse. To be more precise, an iPhone home button size. It's so smooth and rich, it's not heavy at all. After massaging the mousse on your face you can rinse it off easily with water. It leaves you with a fine, tender touch to your face. Not tight or intense feeling on your skin.
I bought this from Japan and it was a little bit tricky because it's an aerosol can so I don't think you can simply send a parcel of it. At least not in Taiwan.
It also has a really friendly price, which is 1,500 yen. So if you haven't tried this kind of cleanser it's worth a go. It's a big can and you don't need much every time.
Let me know your thoughts about this post and share your experience with me. Sorry that I didn't put more actual cleansing step by step pictures. haha.
Here are some pros and cons I think about this product:
- Affordable price. (However, I didn't see it when I search this item on Amazon.com, let me know if you know any place online you can buy it. I bought it from Japan, and in Taiwan we have some shops too).
- Creamy and light.
- Easy to use, easy to rinse, leave you with soft skin.
- Not very travel-friendly. The package is quite big, and an aerosol can isn't something you can carry with you everywhere, especially travelling, well I guess probably not for men, it's like the size of a deodorant can.
Personal thoughts:
- The smell of this mousse is lemon, and it's just a little bit too strong for me. It's different for everyone, my sister thinks it's totally fine.
- The cream is really whipped cream so be aware that it can block your nostrils sometimes
Overall : 8.5 / 10
I haven't given any cleansing product a 10 so I think this is quite good after all. I do think this is a product worth trying, it's not expensive and the experience is just great, just the size is a little bit big and it's not for travelling. Give it a go if you go to Japan, it won't disappoint you.
Until then, see you guys soon.
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The back side of the can |
嗨嗨大家好,好久沒寫文章了 (反省) ,最近實在是事情很雜亂,有一個教學顧問的兼職,然後還要同時一邊找尋想幫線上雜誌寫作的題材,還要一邊準備Essay,昨天發現我竟然長針眼了。這個教學顧問的工作是打算讓我Fill in the gap,但是沒想到其實對我造成了一些困擾跟難處,真是麻煩阿~~~~~ 好想抱頭旋轉~
這個洗面乳是Et tu sais的,日本真的有很多品牌都用法文名阿~ 這款洗面乳有兩種,一種是縮小毛孔的,另一種是保濕的。 我自己平常很注重保濕,但是我聽說這款的縮小毛孔款很有名而且洗完也不會緊繃,所以我就手刀下單了! (保濕款的包裝是整罐全部淺藍色的)
我當初為了省錢硬從日本買,等了超級久而且還有一堆額外支付的運費等等。 這個壓力瓶的材質好像不能直接郵寄,購買的時候要記得先把相關資訊詢問清楚,以免多花不必要的費用又浪費時間。
用量節省,每次約一粒豆子大小就很夠了,如果要說更準確的用量,大概就是iPhone 的Home鍵大小 (佩服我自己的想像力阿哇哈哈),這樣就有一手掌的泡泡了~
最重要的是洗完臉的後,一點也不會緊繃也不會乾燥,臉摸起來很彈潤,即使使用的不是保濕款我都覺得很驚豔。 因為我異位性皮膚炎還滿嚴重的,所以我對洗面乳很挑剔,日本的洗面乳普遍價位不會太高,我覺得這款洗面乳很值得嘗試。或許你們會和我一樣覺得很好用。
- 價格親民,日本買很便宜,台灣的專櫃也不會很貴,跟專櫃化妝品排出的洗面乳相比根本超便宜啊!!
- 泡沫濃稠,很有誠意,小小一壓根本用不完,用量很省,但是在那麼濃密的泡沫下竟然不會黏膩厚重,爽!
- 使用容易簡單,不用自己起泡泡,清洗容易,我都是搭配洗臉布一起使用。洗完一點也不會緊繃。
- 包裝跟大部分洗面乳相比比較大一點,不適合旅行,也無法分裝攜帶使用,不知道他們有沒有出隨身版的。
- 這款洗面乳味道是檸檬味的,我個人比較沒那麼對檸檬發狂,味道對我來說比較重一點。但是我妹完全不在意,所以這是很主觀的。
- 因為泡沫太濃厚,不小心會把鼻孔塞住,除非你鼻孔超大哇哈哈。
整體表現: 8.5/10
我目前還沒有遇到滿分的洗臉產品所以我覺得8.5是很高的敬意了哈哈。 我覺得這個洗面乳超值得試試看,如果有人用過保濕款可以跟我分享,整體使用經驗很優阿,除了這個不容易攜帶以外,我覺得沒什麼好抱怨的。有去日本的朋友快去氣跨賣~
我們下次見~~~ *揮手*
Giselle xx
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