▌Beauty Update ▌Banila Co. Clean It Zero Sherbet Cleanser
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Front side of the cleanser |
This product is from a Korean brand called Banila Co. ( as usual, click the text for their official website). I am sure you can also buy it from Amazon, I will link the info at the end of the article so you guys can check it out. The first time I saw this product is on a Korean Beauty show called 'Get it Beauty'. It strikes me immediately, I am so curious about it and can't wait to give it a try.
This cleanser is a makeup remover + cleanser, it's able to remove all the make up easily, including water-proof mascara and lipstick and most of the things. However, personally, I still use an eye & lip makeup remover first and then I move on to this sherbet cleanser.
Knowing from its name, this is not the usual makeup remover you see most of the time, it's not in a liquid form, it has a sherbet texture, when you open the lid, you can see a small spoon thing, so you can use it to scoop the cleanser. Then you apply it on your face, massage your face gently, all the makeup will just melt out. After massaging for a minute or two, you can rinse it off like any kind of makeup remover.
You don't have to use a regular facial cleanser afterwards, but I do it anyway as my habit. My skin just feel super clean after using this cleanser/makeup remover, yet it doesn't feel tight. It is great for me since I have very sensitive skin so I don't want my facial products to be too strong.
Normally I use the oil type makeup remover from Shu Uemura, it's been good and there's nothing wrong with it. This Banila Co. Sherbet Cleanser is just another try and I am really happy with my skin after using it.
Besides from this pink one I have, there are also the green one for sensitive skin and the white one for moisturising formula. I use the pink one and it fits well to my skin, I would recommend the green one if you have too much acne and want something lighter to try out.
If your skin type is oily, then this will be good for you compare to an oil-type makeup remover. Because the sherbet cleanser is not oily nor drying, so I think everyone would love it.
Here are some pros and cons in my opinion:
- Affordable price, it's $17.38 on Amazon (Click to see the product).
- Travel-friendly, scoop some out into a small container so you can carry it with you without making the liquid everywhere.
- Nice scent, nice scent, it is just nice to smell it; Eve Lom has cleansing balm too, but it stinks
- Easy to use, easy to rinse
- Mild fiddly in a way. You need to open the lid, take out the layer, take the spoon and scoop the proper amount of the cleanser, I don't think you can do it if you are drunk.
Personal thoughts:
- I don't drink much at all, so it's good for me, no chance I will be like 'How the flip I am going to do it when my vision is spinning?'
- I love that it doesn't spill everywhere, it's excellent if you want to quickly wash your face on the airplane. Better than any liquid, better than soap. Just love it.
Overall : 9.5/10
It is really great. The mild fiddly part is inevitable, for some hygienic reason. I still love it. They also have small package. It's really convenient. Plus it's on Amazon, which is good news for people who aren't in Asia! This is a product everyone should try! so great!
BTW the CC cream by Banila Co. is good too, I got it a couple years ago.
Until next time, see you soon x
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How it looks like inside with the small scoopy spoony thing. |
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The back side of the bottle |
嗨溜我又來了~這次也是一個產品的分享,這罐Banila Co.的卸妝霜我想大家應該不陌生,是宋智孝代言的韓國品牌,最近在台灣也可以看到很多專櫃。 我的上一篇是關於一個日本品牌的洗面乳,如果想知道細節的話可以點這裡去看兒~
我覺得我的海馬迴隨著年紀漸漸的背叛我,剛剛才寫完的英文部分現在根本忘得一乾二淨我需要團購銀杏了 *甩頭痛哭*。
Balina co 這個牌子(點我台灣粉絲團)我在幾年前就因為他們的CC霜而接觸過,所以對於品牌並不是很陌生,但是它的卸妝霜我是在看去年的韓國美妝節目 Get it Beauty 看到的。
這個產品雖然叫做瞬卸凝霜 (取名字有必要這麼省嗎?),這款卸妝霜呢,在使用完後不需要再用洗面乳洗,但是我個人習慣還是會啦! 它也是很頑強的防水產品都可以搞定,一瓶功能很多,不過我還是會先用眼唇卸妝液再用卸妝霜 (個人習慣)。
- 價格親民合理。這是個介於開架與專櫃間又比較接近開價的價格,約六百多台幣,是個優質的好選擇。如果你住的地方不容易買到的話可以在Amazon上面找找看:)
- 方便攜帶,適合旅行。旅行的時候可以分裝,如果想在下飛機前好好洗個臉也很適合(不過飛機上的水比較噁一點啦...),因為是固態狀的所以不會倒出來。
- 香氣宜人。像是Eve lom的卸妝霜也很有名,但是它的味道一點也不讓人享受啊 *抱歉*
- 使用簡單,清洗輕鬆。
- 我是那種能不洗頭就不洗頭的懶人,痛恨吹頭髮,所以我覺得這個包裝有個無法避免的麻煩之處,就是你要轉開蓋子,拿出第二個蓋子,拿小刮勺,放在手上,全部放回去後才能開始洗臉。 我覺得如果你常去夜店的話或是很常喝得不省人事的話,這個可能不適合你哈哈。
- 我不常喝酒,所以這個產品很適合我 (哈哈哈什麼推薦法)。
- 我很滿意他的固體狀態,因為分裝液狀產品的過程簡直生不如死 (我是誇張派) 。
整體表現: 9.5 / 10
其實沒什麼好抱怨的但是我就是不給滿分的個性,除了有時候卸妝會覺得好煩喔要打開蓋子,乾脆用卸妝油壓兩下。 卸妝後的膚質很穩定,如果你有痘痘的困擾我覺得這款溫和的卸妝霜可以跟你交個朋友試試看。
我們下次見~~ *揮手下降*
Giselle x
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