▌Beauty Update ▌Kiehl's Turmeric & Cranberry Seed Energizing Radiance Masque
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Front side of the bottle |
Hiya lovely people, I am here again with another product review. Okay I do have a ton of skin care products. I will write all of my skin care routine in another blog post in the future. The reason that I can never get enough with skincare products is because I just love making my skin super smooth and keep them in a good condition. I am a big fan of masques as well, the clay type or the sheet type, I like them both.
This turmeric & cranberry energizing radiance masque is something I got a month ago where my mum picked it up for me at the airport. I already have another masque from Kiehl's, it's the Kiehl's Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque. I really like it and I have used half of it already. I think I will write another blog post about it some time in the future.
After using this mask for a month, I really like it in general and for me it's worth the purchase. My skin feels super light and breathing when I use this mask, and it makes my skin tone more even, I like the cranberry seeds that give me a gentle massage and exfoliation. It's easy to apply on my skin and it doesn't make me feel uncomfortable when it's dried. One thing about this product is that the cranberry seeds are very small, so when I wash it off I need to pay more attention to make sure I remove all of them, there could be always a tiny bit left on your face.
Here are some pros and cons in my opinion:
- Moisturising and fresh.
- Not too dry when you cleanse your face.
- Colour correcting my complexion and reviving from dullness.
- Not the most friendly price but worth a go if you are into skin care products.
- Tiny cranberry seeds make you pay slightly more patience to wash your face.
Personal thoughts:
- I love every product I got from Kiehl's. I love the lip balm, the ultra facial cream (I have been using it for years.), the toner and much more. I enjoy their products and for me, when I see a new, interesting thing from Kiehl's, I'd love to try it, and this mask turned out well. It's comfortable to use. - Even though the cranberry seeds are tiny, I don't mind washing my face 10 seconds more.
Over all: 8/10
I absolutely love using masks, it's really good and I am liking it so far. It can maybe be my favourite mask but because I haven't used up all bottle so I decided to be more conservative about it.
Because this facial masque isn't the cheapest kind of products on the market so if you want to find a equally good alternative I would recommend the Honey & Oat 3 in 1 Moisturizing Scrub Mask from The Body Shop. I have used up one bottle of it and I enjoyed it as well, the smell just made me want to eat it, the oats are bigger it's easier to wash off. When I put it on my skin it doesn't dry as much as this Kiehl's masque or other clay masks. The body shop Honey & Oat mask is only $18. However, I do think the Kiehl's one is doing its job better.
I will probably do some posts about 'all time favourite' or 'things I don't enjoy' sort of thing some time in the future. Let me know what you think about it and share your thoughts about this product.
I will see you next time.
Giselle x
嗨溜大家好,我又來分享臉部產品了。 我有很多臉部的用品,化妝品先不說,保養品我只會用臉部乳液,但是我有很多面膜,尤其我很愛清潔面膜。
不是說我的臉多麼無暇,希望可以一邊朝那個目標前進啦 (好遙遠阿 誰叫我異位性皮膚炎),人生有對抗不完的濕疹還有乾癬,我媽說我可以多吃薏仁不知道這樣會不會比較好。無論如何我很鍾愛任何跟皮膚有關的產品。
回到主題,這個面膜是我媽在機場幫我帶回來的,我目前已經用了一個月,想說來跟大家分享一下~ 契爾氏的清潔面膜產品我覺得品質滿好的,目前他們的產品我都用得很順心,另一款亞馬遜白泥面膜也很喜歡,缺點是比較容易乾燥,泥巴類面膜的性質都是這樣。 今天主要提到的這罐是主打薑黃跟蔓越莓籽,可以有效的去角質,又可以改善泛黃還有膚色不均,是夏天的好幫手啊。(順帶一提,這罐尺寸比較小一點。)
用了一陣子後,我覺得如果是平日會多花一點錢在臉上的人可以考慮購入,使用後很清爽又舒服,不會緊繃。通常顆粒型的面膜都不是很容易塗抹,但是這款用手挖的時候還滿濕潤的,莓果當然無法完美的分布,可以一邊塗上去一邊按摩,很舒服。等待面膜乾的時候並不會乾到覺得帶了面具,這點很加分。 唯一一個需要注意的地方是它的蔓越莓籽在洗臉的時候要多注意,顆粒很小,不容易被水帶走,要仔細確定有沖洗乾淨。
- 保濕同時清爽。
- 面膜乾燥後不會太乾,輕潑水就可以按摩洗去。
- 改善膚色,提亮效果好。
- 價位偏高,專櫃保養品的價格。
- 蔓越莓籽不容易清洗掉。
- 我很喜歡契爾氏的產品,他們大罐的保濕霜我用掉好幾罐了,是少數不會讓我鼻子在換季脫皮的好產品;他們的護唇膏也很好用,我很怕嘴唇乾;他們的化妝水也好用 。 所以只要是契爾氏的產品我都很樂意買來試試看,這個面膜我很喜歡,使用起來舒服。
- 雖然蔓越莓籽有點小,我不介意多洗十秒的臉。
整體表現: 8/10
我熱愛面膜產品,目前用起來很滿意,有達到品牌的水準 (我哪位竟敢說這種狂妄的話),之後等我整罐用完可能會評價會增加,但是目前覺得臉的光澤感還不賴。
因為這款面膜不是說特別的便宜,所以如果想要找差不多但是比較便宜的產品,我推薦美體小舖 The Body Shop 的蜂蜜燕麥面膜 (我實在是忘記它的中文是什麼,但是你去櫃上問一定有)
(點前面字去美國官網看產品) ,我的是上一代的,罐子是純黃色。這罐我有用光光,我覺得很不賴,跟薑黃莓果比起來更保濕,敷的時候幾乎不會有乾掉的感覺,聞起來讓人想舔一口吃吃看,有夠香~ 燕麥的顆粒也比較大顆柔軟,比較好洗。
之後應該要來寫個"我最常用的產品"跟"令人失望的產品" 篇 哈哈 (話說誰在乎啊!)
鶴~ 各位~我們下次見~~ *揮手 轉身 瀟灑離去 (哪) *
Giselle x
After using this mask for a month, I really like it in general and for me it's worth the purchase. My skin feels super light and breathing when I use this mask, and it makes my skin tone more even, I like the cranberry seeds that give me a gentle massage and exfoliation. It's easy to apply on my skin and it doesn't make me feel uncomfortable when it's dried. One thing about this product is that the cranberry seeds are very small, so when I wash it off I need to pay more attention to make sure I remove all of them, there could be always a tiny bit left on your face.
Here are some pros and cons in my opinion:
- Moisturising and fresh.
- Not too dry when you cleanse your face.
- Colour correcting my complexion and reviving from dullness.
- Not the most friendly price but worth a go if you are into skin care products.
- Tiny cranberry seeds make you pay slightly more patience to wash your face.
Personal thoughts:
- I love every product I got from Kiehl's. I love the lip balm, the ultra facial cream (I have been using it for years.), the toner and much more. I enjoy their products and for me, when I see a new, interesting thing from Kiehl's, I'd love to try it, and this mask turned out well. It's comfortable to use. - Even though the cranberry seeds are tiny, I don't mind washing my face 10 seconds more.
Over all: 8/10
I absolutely love using masks, it's really good and I am liking it so far. It can maybe be my favourite mask but because I haven't used up all bottle so I decided to be more conservative about it.
Because this facial masque isn't the cheapest kind of products on the market so if you want to find a equally good alternative I would recommend the Honey & Oat 3 in 1 Moisturizing Scrub Mask from The Body Shop. I have used up one bottle of it and I enjoyed it as well, the smell just made me want to eat it, the oats are bigger it's easier to wash off. When I put it on my skin it doesn't dry as much as this Kiehl's masque or other clay masks. The body shop Honey & Oat mask is only $18. However, I do think the Kiehl's one is doing its job better.
I will probably do some posts about 'all time favourite' or 'things I don't enjoy' sort of thing some time in the future. Let me know what you think about it and share your thoughts about this product.
I will see you next time.
Giselle x
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Back side of the bottle |
不是說我的臉多麼無暇,希望可以一邊朝那個目標前進啦 (好遙遠阿 誰叫我異位性皮膚炎),人生有對抗不完的濕疹還有乾癬,我媽說我可以多吃薏仁不知道這樣會不會比較好。無論如何我很鍾愛任何跟皮膚有關的產品。
回到主題,這個面膜是我媽在機場幫我帶回來的,我目前已經用了一個月,想說來跟大家分享一下~ 契爾氏的清潔面膜產品我覺得品質滿好的,目前他們的產品我都用得很順心,另一款亞馬遜白泥面膜也很喜歡,缺點是比較容易乾燥,泥巴類面膜的性質都是這樣。 今天主要提到的這罐是主打薑黃跟蔓越莓籽,可以有效的去角質,又可以改善泛黃還有膚色不均,是夏天的好幫手啊。(順帶一提,這罐尺寸比較小一點。)
用了一陣子後,我覺得如果是平日會多花一點錢在臉上的人可以考慮購入,使用後很清爽又舒服,不會緊繃。通常顆粒型的面膜都不是很容易塗抹,但是這款用手挖的時候還滿濕潤的,莓果當然無法完美的分布,可以一邊塗上去一邊按摩,很舒服。等待面膜乾的時候並不會乾到覺得帶了面具,這點很加分。 唯一一個需要注意的地方是它的蔓越莓籽在洗臉的時候要多注意,顆粒很小,不容易被水帶走,要仔細確定有沖洗乾淨。
- 保濕同時清爽。
- 面膜乾燥後不會太乾,輕潑水就可以按摩洗去。
- 改善膚色,提亮效果好。
- 價位偏高,專櫃保養品的價格。
- 蔓越莓籽不容易清洗掉。
- 我很喜歡契爾氏的產品,他們大罐的保濕霜我用掉好幾罐了,是少數不會讓我鼻子在換季脫皮的好產品;他們的護唇膏也很好用,我很怕嘴唇乾;他們的化妝水也好用 。 所以只要是契爾氏的產品我都很樂意買來試試看,這個面膜我很喜歡,使用起來舒服。
- 雖然蔓越莓籽有點小,我不介意多洗十秒的臉。
整體表現: 8/10
我熱愛面膜產品,目前用起來很滿意,有達到品牌的水準 (我哪位竟敢說這種狂妄的話),之後等我整罐用完可能會評價會增加,但是目前覺得臉的光澤感還不賴。
因為這款面膜不是說特別的便宜,所以如果想要找差不多但是比較便宜的產品,我推薦美體小舖 The Body Shop 的蜂蜜燕麥面膜 (我實在是忘記它的中文是什麼,但是你去櫃上問一定有)
(點前面字去美國官網看產品) ,我的是上一代的,罐子是純黃色。這罐我有用光光,我覺得很不賴,跟薑黃莓果比起來更保濕,敷的時候幾乎不會有乾掉的感覺,聞起來讓人想舔一口吃吃看,有夠香~ 燕麥的顆粒也比較大顆柔軟,比較好洗。
之後應該要來寫個"我最常用的產品"跟"令人失望的產品" 篇 哈哈 (話說誰在乎啊!)
鶴~ 各位~我們下次見~~ *揮手 轉身 瀟灑離去 (哪) *
Giselle x
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