▌La vie ▌Photo Update Apr. 2016
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A failed attempt to look like the dancer on the poster |
Hiya people, it's Giselle,first, I am sorry that I am so late for my April Update, it's May already and Taiwan has been crazily hot, I have my A/C on all day and night.
This is one of the pictures I laughed so much, I remember my back hurt quite a lot after taking this picture; I love attempting some posture on things and it normally work out but it was a total failure on this one. Too bad.
The weather is making me a little bit nervous because it has been quite a few years since last time I spent a whole summer in Taiwan, and I am determined to not go out before 5 pm or I am gonna burn.
So~ What did I do in April?
嗨溜大家好,睡衣少女回籠! 這個月真的挺心不在焉的,照片更新竟然拖了一個月我真是丟臉,但是台灣天氣真的最近好瘋,我的冷氣還會滴水,滴水後遙控器壞掉,真是夠了~
上次我整個夏天都在台灣是有一陣子了,今年都會待在這我有點招架不住這個熱度,我決定傍晚五點前都不要出門 (要不然我就開車) ,不然我到車站前就被烤乾。
那麼~~ 我四月到底做了啥? (大部分是吃)
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#1 was me having my favourite brunch in Taipei with my friend Sweeney and her boyfriend, she has an internship in a museum in London for the summer, hope I can see her in London before she leaves!
#2 was a really nice Japanese grilled fish, I love fish so much, yum.
#3 was me having sukiyaki with my friend Ellie and Pete (Ellie is the friend appeared on my 'I love someone for their body' article).
#4 was me having my favourite fried pork restaurant with my sister Paris, I am a very old school person, once I decided which restaurant is my favourite I stick with it until I die.
#5 was a box of really nice biscuits from Hong Kong, I was so nice that I need to find the recipe and make it someday!
#6 I spent some money on this holy grail palette that I've been targeting for a while, and I am loving every colour of it, not regretting.
#7 and #8 were a late night date with my BFF Zoe, some really top notch salmon sashimi and grilled fish (again) there.
#9 It was a crylic glass lamp with the shape of an elk. it was so pretty. I am the worst person because I broke it after 10 minutes I put it on my bed.
#1 跟小羊還有她男友小周在樂子的午餐,最愛樂子,每次吃美式都只吃樂子。 小羊跟小周是我看過兩個人長最好看又是真正文青做藝術的人,我已經認好要當乾媽了。小羊六月要去倫敦的博物館實習,希望我可以在她離開前跟她在倫敦碰個面。
#2 我家附近的百八於敞開了很久我前陣子第一次吃,有夠好吃有夠便宜已經不能沒有百八因為我最愛吃便宜的食物。
#3 跟艾粒還有她先生吃摸摸天堂,每次見面都是摸摸天堂已經是我們的傳統,行之有四年!
#4 跟我妹巴黎去吃杏子豬排,在吃過每一家日式豬排,我最愛的就是杏子,因為我是世紀老派無聊之人,每次都是吃這幾家請見諒。
#5 我爸朋友去香港帶回來的小桃酥,怎麼這~麼~好~吃~,我真是孤陋寡聞沒吃過這家。好想學喔~~
#6 我趁著周年慶拿著爸爸的禮券買了一堆東西哈哈,其中一個就是我觀望跟蹤已久的15色眼影盤,每一個顏色我都用過也很喜歡,絕對值得投資,不像大部分眼影盤總會有幾個沒用到,這個眼影盤個個重要啊!
#7 跟 #8 是我跟我的摯友Zoe (我們一起去德國做志工還去了法國跟英國的好姊妹) 有天晚上約會在內湖的一家居酒屋 (店名很簡單但是我忘了我掌嘴) 吃到好好吃的鮭魚生魚片跟烤魚 (我不愛鮪魚超愛鮭魚)
#9 是Zoe 送我的透明切割雄鹿形狀的燈飾,我放床頭十分鐘摔斷了。(是裝飾品終結者)
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#1, #2 and #3 were a dinner with the family, some squash and seafood risotto, squid salad with watercress and stuffed fried aubergine, really really good.
#4, #5 and #6 were a Japanese tempura restaurant, it was speechlessly good, they don't have appointments though, you'd need to queue up for it, I went there at 3 pm and waited for a solid 40 minutes. It was worth it, give it a try if you like Japanese food.
#7, #8 and #9 were the cake for the Mother's day, we went for cherry blossom cheese cake with mochi in the middle, and matcha cheese cake with mochi and red bean paste. I've never tasted anything like them before.
Most of my update are about food, I am aware. I will share some more things in the future when things are more settled. So far, I am living like a big, hope you enjoy, feel free to ask me for more info of anything I mentioned.
I will see you guys soon. xx
Giselle x
#1, #2 跟 #3 是跟家人一起去吃金色三麥,除了一些大家都會點的經典菜品之外,我們還點了海鮮南瓜燉飯,涼拌墨魚沙拉,炸小茄子片鑲肉。有夠好吃的,他們的啤酒當然也是必點,另外金色三麥的月亮蝦餅是世紀厚,追求燙口噴汁的人一定要點點看。
#4, #5 跟 #6 金子半之助,金子半之助,金子半之助! 太好吃先念三遍,我跟巴黎找了個理當人少的下午三點去,依舊排了紮實的四十分鐘,好好吃啊!! 吃完再喝華達奶茶加珍珠,That's right 肥豬就是我。
#7, #8 跟 #9 屏東名店心之和的起司蛋糕,當作母親節的蛋糕,以前沒吃過,櫻花是限量口味,還有一定要試試的宇治金時,裡面有包麻糬 because why not! 覺得很神奇的味道,我身為最俗台北人覺得很新奇。
今天的文章到這邊,我們下次見 xx *揮手下降*
Giselle x
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