▌La vie ▌New Books 2016: I am pilgrim, The marriage
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I am Pilgrim |
Last week, I had dinner with some friends and decided to go to the book store after over fed myself. Then I got some new books! Voila! The first one is I am pilgrim, the other one is the marriage. My sister Paris is reading the marriage now so I started to read a bit of I am pilgrim. The reason that I picked this one is simply my love to mystery material, I've read a couple of chapters, and it's something I'd love to read. I will let you know more thoughts after finishing it.
The second book is the marriage, I've got more and more friends getting married and having children. It's really brave because a lot of them don't have money or a proper job to support a family. I admire their courage and determination to take on challenges, but it is just something I wouldn't do. So hopefully this book will give me a little bit more insight from other angles.
I can't wait to read them all.
Okay, then, after the talking about books, I also want to share some of my recent feelings. I found myself being quite a different person from 2 years ago. I've become to think more when I see things, and my actual friend circle is indeed smaller. I now prefer smaller dinners, something less than 7 or 8 people, so I can actually listen to something they want to talk about, something not on their Facebook.
A feeling I get is that the friends I have from high school, even though we are as close as always, we meet less because of many reasons, when you know that 'Oh I will have a dinner with them in 2 weeks', you tend to not talk to them until the dinner night. After a few years of doing this, you don't talk to them other than that dinner, your friends are half strangers because you don't talk to each other randomly.
It's bothering me a little bit and I haven't figured out a way to solve it perfectly and quietly.
Another feeling I get is about (in Taiwan )people brag so much on small things, I don't like it, people brag about they get a job interview, people brag about they get an offer. I think working hard is something everyone do, and if your hard work pay off, then that's good, I just don't know why there are so many people making a big deal about every little thing. Things like that appear so much on social media, and I don't see the purpose of it.
Anyway, it's my recent feeling about what I saw and remind myself becoming better.
Hope to talk to you guys soon about the books!
See you next time.
Giselle x
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The marriage |
一些自身的體悟像是: 因為覺得對自己的每一個部分都很不滿,如果硬是要具象化地去形容,感覺就像被關在一個滿是鏡子的狹小空間,怎麼轉身都是自己的身影,怎麼看怎麼不舒服。
另一方面是對於身邊的人的種種現象有超乎自己預期的情緒,如果硬要去具像化地形容,感覺就像明明知道遠方有個隱密的城堡,那個城堡裡有各式美酒佳餚,卻還是會被滿地的糖果餅乾吸引 - 就在眼前,只要伸手就拿得到,但是拿了之後,就再也去不了城堡 - 這種矛盾跟慾望只能透過幻想城堡的美好,握緊動搖的心,咬牙前進。
1. 在彼此年少的時候認識的制服時期的朋友,因為大學或畢業後的差異,即使跟對方在要好也無法成為每天見面的角色,卻因為知道下個月就會跟對方吃飯,而把生活中的事情留到那個時候說,幾年下來,除了見面的時候,平日可愛的訊息,也越來越少,彼此漸漸地踏入一種曖昧不明的分類,是好友,也是半個陌生人。
2. 可能是文化使然,或是小確幸氾濫(我個人很討厭小確幸) ,總覺得身邊到處都看得到許多炫耀努力的文,像是工作或是學業有什麼進展,一定要大肆寫一篇,讓人可以點讚捧你,或是抱怨生活,要大家安慰你。 總覺得,真正成功的人,沒時間在臉書上炫耀,沒時間討拍,因為他們很忙的。 最重要的事情是,努力不是應該的嗎? 為什麼要目光淺短的炫耀自己的努力呢?
也可能是我所追求的事業上的大人物,往往都低調到不行,不會大小事情都拿出來講,顯得他們氣度很大方,而且眼界很寬闊。即使我可能這輩子都不會跟我崇拜的那些人一樣有成就,我也想先學習起他們的優點,把目光放遠點,不要過度放大生活的情緒。 這點還有許多可以努力的空間,要好好警惕自己。
Giselle x
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