▌La vie ▌Photo Update May & June (about master degree)
My dog Nini, she is 15 years old and I love her so much |
哈溜大家好,我又錯過每個月的更新了,OK好這次是兩個月,因為我真的很忙嘛~~我是有原因的! 我必須要排一下先後順序,跑了很多銀行,偶爾要運動一下什麼的! 不過呢,好消息是我要念研所了 ,面試的時候很幸運地拿到無條件式入學許可。接下來就是各種忙碌,還要寫稿,真的很忙。很想趕快念完研究所馬上工作。
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看似吃了不少東西,前陣子很常吃酪梨鮮蝦加胡麻醬, 爽口輕鬆無負擔,之前有研究各種鮭魚的吃法,除了檸檬紙包鮭魚,蔥燒鮭魚,一般煎法以外,要更複雜的我全都不考慮。
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最後三張是我最愛吃的阿官火鍋~ 阿官的雞肉鍋是我的最愛,每次吃阿官都飽到不行,加上番茄湯底跟大量的沾醬,超滿足。
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It's June! (oops it's actually July...) I've done quite a lot in June I think. Let's see... my dog Nini she is my favourite thing in the world. My dad finished his PhD degree from the central police uni in his 50 something, very impressive. He actually has a picture with the president if you want to see that you can go to my Instagram @gisellewlee . One thing about my dad is that he loves learning so much, after his graduation, he grabbed some English and Japanese grammar books and said he wants to study more so he can use the language when he retires. That gives me no excuse to no learning more languages. In fact, I plan to achieve a certain level of French in the next couple of years and then I will learn Korean or Japanese I think... Learning a language is not difficult but it takes time and practice, you've got to stick with it. I've never really got much education in learning English, but I speak English just fine with a decent accent. I can talk about worm holes in English no problem, but I am still learning the language everyday.
The rest of the pictures are just a bunch of food I had. the blue / purple drink is a sweet pea tea, looks amazing, tastes amazing too.
挖呼~ 六月時光 (好啦 其實已經七月了) 我六月也做了不少事情,要是沒拍照我真的記不起來。第一張是我最愛的15歲老狗妮妮。第二張是我爸五十幾歲然後在警大念完博士班的照片,我覺得很敬佩他,怎麼有辦法如此的活到老學到老,他那天搬書回家,還從書櫃上拿了一些英文跟日文的書打算繼續念,說他以後退休可以用。我真的覺得我爸已經年過半百,還可以如此的充滿熱誠的學習,讓我也不能找藉口的繼續學習語言。我覺得學語言不難,但是他要花上許多時間跟練習,如此而已,想要一天就達成那你作夢,多看多聽多使用,即使很多人覺得沒有環境很難達成,但是我告訴你! 我在去過任何的英語系國家之前就可以用英文談論蟲洞還可以辯論政治了,我認為過生活,想變得更好,努力是應該的。 我個人很不喜歡在社群網站上長篇感謝文說謝謝東謝謝西說歐~~要不是你們我沒有今天。 我比較賤比較犬儒我覺得努力是應該的,炫耀自己的努力很不必要,除非得獎不然我每次看到這種東西都只覺得 你 哪 位 阿! 只是大學畢業有必要這樣嗎!
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See you soon~
Giselle x
今天就說道這邊我們下次見~ *揮手*
Giselle x
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