▌La recette ▌Mary Berry’s lasagne
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classic lasagne |
So when I feel lazy, I would make lasagne because it can fill us for 2 days. (burrrppp). My recipe is very simple, it's also spontaneous, you can make this any way you like. I got this recipe from BBC food (←Click for the recipe ) So I am just gonna show you that.
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preparing the ragu |
Ingredients (serves 6-8)
For the ragu
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 900g/2lb minced beef (you can use chicken for a lighter meal)
- 2 onions, roughly chopped
- 4 sticks celery, diced (optional, I didn't use it, because celery makes my skin tone dull)
- 2 garlic cloves, crushed
- 2 level tbsp plain flour
- 150ml/¼ pint beef stock (I didn't use it, I just use salt)
- 1 tsp sugar (No one would know if you forgot)
- 3 tbsp tomato purée
- 1 tbsp chopped thyme (I didn't have thyme, so I used rosemary and basil)
- 2 x 400g/14oz can chopped tomatoes
- 50g/2oz butter
- 50g/2oz plain flour
- 750ml/1¼ pints hot milk
- 2 tsp Dijon mustard (I didn't use it because I don't have it)
- 50g/2oz parmesan cheese, grated (I didn't use it because I was lazy)
- salt and pepper
- 10-12 sheets lasagne (I didn't really count how many sheets I used)
- 75g/3oz mature cheddar cheese, grated
- slice some aubergine and pan fried them a little bit, and I put the aubergine in the layers.
- slice one tomato for decoration.
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some extra aubergine in the layers. |
Preparation method
- Preheat the oven to160C/325F/Gas 3.
- For the ragu, heat a large frying pan until hot and add the oil. Cook the mince until browned all over. Remove from the heat and transfer to a plate. Add the onion, celery (if using) and garlic to the pan and cook until softened. Return the meat to the pan and stir in the flour. Add the stock and bring to the boil. Add the redcurrant jelly (or sugar), tomato purée and thyme, then stir well.
- Stir in the canned tomatoes. Bring to the boil again, cover and simmer in the oven for 1-½ hours, or until the beef is tender.
- For the white sauce, melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the flour and cook over the heat for one minute. Gradually whisk in the hot milk, whisking until thickened. Add the Dijon mustard and parmesan cheese and season well with salt and pepper.
- For the lasagne, put one third of the meat sauce in the base of a 2.3 litre/4 pint shallow ovenproof dish. Spoon one third of the white sauce on top. Arrange one layer of lasagne sheets on top. Season. Spoon half of the remaining meat sauce on top and then half of the white sauce. Put another layer of lasagne sheets on top, then the remaining meat sauce and remaining white sauce. Sprinkle over the cheddar cheese. (I just put the aubergine between the layers, and put some tomato slice on top for decoration)
- Leave for six hours before cooking so that the pasta can start to soften. (I didn't do it, chuck it into the oven right away, haha)
- Preheat the oven temperature to 200C/400F/Gas 6.
- Cook in the middle of the oven for about 45 minutes- or until golden brown on top, bubbling around the edges and the pasta is soft. (just use a fork to check if it's done, and some basil leaves on top to make it look good)
I ran out of cheese when I made it so it could've been even more cheesy, but it tastes amazing after all. Love it.
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Before going into the oven (should've had more cheese) |
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Ta-da~~ awesome |
Lasagne is one of my favourite pasta, hope you try it too
Thank you for your reading, see you guys soon.
P.S. I spell lasagne with an 'e' at the end, more like British English, both lasagna and lasagne are fine.
Trying to do an article about food every Friday (hopefully)
這個食譜是BBC food 上面 Mary Berry 的食譜 (←點字進入食譜 ),因為網站是英文的,如果你懶得看英文的話可以參考小女子簡單翻譯的~
食材 (6-8人分)
- 2湯匙 橄欖油
- 900克/2磅 牛絞肉(如果不吃牛肉可以用豬肉或是雞肉,雞肉會比較清淡)(我因為很懶,就買兩盒,管他多少直接用)
- 2個洋蔥,切碎
- 4支芹菜,切塊(我沒用,因為芹菜會讓我的皮膚暗沉)
- 2瓣大蒜,壓碎
- 2湯匙麵粉
- 水150ml /¼品脫牛肉湯(我沒有用,我只用鹽,如果有什麼神奇的高湯粉可以加)
- 1小匙糖(忘記加應該也不會被發現)
- 3湯匙番茄醬
- 1大匙百里香(我沒百里香,所以我用迷迭香和羅勒,覺得香料類都可以,如果沒加也不會怎麼樣)
- 2×400克/14盎司切碎的番茄
- 50G /2盎司奶油
- 50G /2盎司麵粉
- 750毫升/1.25品脫的熱牛奶
- 2茶匙第戎芥末(我沒用,因為我沒有那麼高級的東西)
- 50G /2盎司意大利乾酪,磨碎(我沒用,因為我是個懶人)
- 鹽和胡椒
- 10-12張千層面(我沒數我用幾張 好像九還是十二)(怎麼有我這種人 哈哈)
- 75克/3盎司成熟的切達乾酪,磨碎
- 茄子切片用平底鍋稍微煎個半熟,組裝的時候當作一層,因為我是茄子狂人,覺得加茄子超好吃。
- 番茄切片用來裝飾,大小差不多的六片。
- 烤箱預熱到160C / 325F 。
- 製作肉醬,熱個大煎鍋,加入油。下絞肉,炒到上色,之後盛出備用。同一個煎鍋下洋蔥,芹菜(我沒加)和大蒜,翻炒到變軟。番茄有點出糊之後,把備用的牛絞肉加入,拌入麵粉。加入高湯後煮滾,加入糖,番茄醬和百里香,然後攪勻。
- 拌入番茄罐頭,煮沸之後,上蓋進烤箱給他1個小時,或者到絞肉軟嫩就可以了。(如果跟我一樣懶就大概給他個半小時)
- 等待紅醬的時候來製作白醬,鍋子下奶油,等奶油化了加入麵粉,邊攪拌煮一分鐘,慢慢加入熱牛奶,繼續攪拌到覺得醬汁變濃稠。添加第戎芥末和起司 (我沒加,用了一點鮮奶油替代),再用鹽跟胡椒調味。
- 兩種醬汁完成後可以來組裝了,想怎麼裝就怎麼裝,底部先一層紅醬,再白醬,一層麵,大概調味一下,再紅醬,白醬,以此類推。 如果你跟我一樣中間想加一些蔬菜像是茄子或是櫛瓜也可以,全部排滿後,上面撒上大量的起司,也可以跟我一樣放幾片番茄裝飾。
- 食譜是說可以擺著六小時讓千層麵軟化,有些人會預先煮千層麵,我是很懶 (到底有多懶) ,醬汁多一點,擺個十分鐘就給他烤了。我起司的量買的不夠,不然應該要整個滿滿的都是起司。
- 烤箱預熱溫度為200℃/ 400F 。
- 中層烤45分鐘左右,看到起司在呼吸,然後叉子戳一下麵有軟就可以了,最後用一點點羅勒的葉子裝飾。
關於千層麵的英文,我這裡是用英式的拼法,如果是熟悉美式英文的高手是拼Lasagna。 沒有對錯~只是剛好有點小不一樣。
以後每周五都會有小美食文 (希望)
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