▌Schiltach, Germany ▌A room for 14


It feels a bit odd living in a big room with other 13 people. We've got people from the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Turkey, China, Ukraine. Everyone took turns to prepare food for the rest. We had great time together, worked as a team to accomplish something good for the society, helped people who need a hand. It just feels amazing.

Luckily, I also witness the victory of world cup in Germany (hurray), during the time in Schiltach, we also went to Freudenstadt, Freiburg, Strasbourg(In France) and Europa Park! Europa Park is the best amusement park ever, it's so big that one day is barely enough.

Oh and we also did zipline, I still remembered that day wasn't very windy, and because of that, I didn't get enough momentum and stopped in the middle, I was hung in the air for 20 minutes. Bit of a cool memory haha.

After finishing 2 weeks in Schiltach, Zoe and I went to Berlin for a couple days and took a train from Berlin to Paris.

Recently, I saw some friends went to Berlin and actually got some really good pictures. However, somehow Zoe and I didn't see much in Berlin.

P.S. We encountered a big unexpected thing when we left Schiltach, and almost get into another one in Berlin, haha Let me know if any of you guys are interested to know it.

Next article is about our trip in Paris. ~~

Thank you for your reading. See you guys soon.

14人住一間的感覺其實有點奇妙,尤其我們有腳臭的室友哈哈哈。14個人裡面包含我跟Zoe 兩個台灣人,荷蘭人,德國人,土耳其人,西班牙人,義大利人,烏克蘭人,中國人。
大家要兩兩一組輪流準備食物,記得有一天我們要準備午餐給在山上的室友吃,我跟Zoe做得超認真的!! 我們把土司去邊塗了奶油烤過,包了多種的蔬菜跟肉類,火腿還幫他們煎過。結果輪到義大利人做三明治,哇哇哇我的媽呀!!! 冷的吐司裡面放苦的青菜跟一片冰的火腿。

看到就吃不下去,什麼鬼啊!!! 史上最難吃的東西,跟倫敦中國城的地雷水餃店有得比!!!

我最討厭的人就是煮飯不邊煮邊收的! 我可以接受煮完的時候 水槽裡面放洗碗精跟熱水,可以泡一下,但是不要把全部用過的鍋碗瓢盆跟垃圾都堆在廚房~


除了這點以外,我覺得可以一起完成工作,為這個村子需要的人付出努力,是很有成就感的,畢竟年輕有的就是體力~ 我們一邊清理超大鳥屋裡面,還蓋了一些盪鞦韆,還有蓋新的小木屋給鸚鵡媽媽孵蛋~ 想想都覺得幸福~

最幸運的是,我們還見證了德國當上世足的冠軍的那一剎那!!! 那晚大家都在酒吧一邊喝酒一邊看轉播~

進球的那一剎那,全部的人跳起來尖叫! 亂抱擊掌! 瘋狂成一團~ 路上的喧囂叫鬧一直持續到早上,很多人都在路上大揮國旗,大放煙火,實在是太開心了!!

另外呢~ 我們還去玩了溜索,當天的風不是很大,我又是第一個溜的,沒想到溜到一半就停住啦哈哈! 吊在黑森林的高空超過半個小時,最後跟教練一起爬上去,後面的人被命令要縮成小小的球,阻力會比較小。 算是個另類的紀念。



下一篇文章是關於巴黎旅遊~~ 感謝你們的閱讀~我們下次見~~~

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