▌La vie ▌Film4 summer screen at Somerset House.


Somerset house
One thing fantastic in the summer is that you can always find something to do in the night-time. Luckily, we also got the tickets, so we went to Somerset House watching the west side story musical.
(By the way, my favourite musical of all time is Rent)

Experimenting music and art after work in summer is one of the best things to de-stress from your busy routine. With some friends, drink some wine, cuddle up with your love, share some amazing food, and enjoy the music.

Best Musical of ten: West side story.
I've never been to any outdoor movie like this before so I didn't know what to bring whatsoever. So I brought a waterproof sheet, a blanket and some pillows. Even though it's only mid-August, it could be quite chill at night. We've arrived at Somerset house at around 6 pm, queued up, found a spot to put everything down and looked for some food.

You can bring your own food and your everything, I saw people bringing wine, cheese plates, pizza, crisps. All kinds of food seems to be allowed. But we didn't know that so we ended up getting some food inside Somerset House, which was a lot more expensive.

The musical was really great, but I felt really cold, haha. I should've bought more pillows/blankets.

Pillows and blanket I brought, you will need them when you are watching the musical at 9 pm.

Ungodly expensive tea I bought. £2 for a smallest cup of tea on the globe. 

Outside of Somerset House
Waiting for the sun to go down

Somerset House has many activities you can attend during the whole year. Check out it's website here or the texts above if you are interested.

Thank you for your reading~ Will see you guys soon.


今年的夏天我去了Somerset House看了一場夏季戶外音樂劇 (我個人最喜歡的音樂劇是吉屋出租),這就是歐洲夏天的好處啊 (蚊蟲比較少)。


進場後基本上不能離開,所以我們只好在裡面消費,吃了一頓不飽又昂貴的晚餐~ 大部分的人都是自己帶食物,像是披薩,紅酒,起司盤,各式各樣~~ 記得以後要自己準備伙食才不會花冤望錢喔~

Somerset House 全年都有很多活動可以參加,平時內部也會有一些展覽,點前面的文字就可以連結到他們的網站,記得都要提前訂票


Where is Somerset House  

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